Closing a real estate sale can take several months, while a rental might easily get leased just in a few hours. This is particularly true for big cities overcrowded with students, tourists, and temporary workers looking for job. Statistics show that a studio for rent hardly ever stays relevant longer than a week. 

A real estate database can count dozens of rental properties. Monitoring them all manually is terribly time-consuming and is nearly impossible on a daily basis. Besides, you can never count on a landlord calling you to deliver he is no longer interested in your services.

However, monitoring changes in property status is crucial for:

  • Saving on advertising, when you are both publishing your listings and paying for them on a daily basis. For instance, there is no reason why you should keep publishing and paying for a listing on Craigslist about the property that has already been leased.
  • Avoiding situations when the client is calling you about a listing, you are scheduling an appointment to show the apartment — and arrive there to discover it was rented a couple of days ago. 
  • Counting the number of active properties and estimating the potential profit.

APRO CRM automation will always ensure you are provided with the most accurate and updated information about currently relevant listings.

how to create a business process and how it will work

First, create 2 fields in object profile: call deadline (when you need to call the landlord about the property) and call result (successful/missed/occupied). 

Any time a new property is added, the CRM will automatically set a callback date calculated as follows: current date +N days, where N stands for the periodicity of your calls to the landlord, for instance, every 3 days. In 3 days a callback task will be created for this property, and a corresponding notification will emerge. 

You can later fill the call profile depending on the results of your conversation: if it was successful, you can set the new call deadline for the next 3 days; if the call was missed, you can call back again in 1 day (or 1 hour, if the line was busy).

Automatic removal of idle listings is highly recommended for advertising platforms with daily updates.

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APRO CRM is a SaaS cloud solution and is hosted by our servers. The CRM is flexible and can adjust to your business needs. You will be getting all the necessary assistance from your personal adviser while using the system