Contents / System life hacks

Company bank of knowledge

It is very often the case when lots of useful information and tips are accumulated in the company, while its employees have no access to it.

APRO CRM allows you to compile and systematize this data in an internal bank of knowledge.

Go to "Intranet" and add the necessary sections:

You can invent any subsection and entry structure and adjust viewing/editing access permissions for CRM users.

Assign a moderator for each section to add and update the entries in it.

You must also see:

  • Access to user and department profiles

  • Adding news and entries

  • Internal corporate portal

  • You may also be interested in: Filters and search tools

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    APRO CRM is a SaaS cloud solution and is hosted by our servers. The CRM is flexible and can adjust to your business needs. You will be getting all the necessary assistance from your personal adviser while using the system