Contents / Telephony / Connecting IP telephony providers

Connection instructions: RingCentral

To activate RingCentral SIP telephony, go to Main menu — Settings — Integrations — Telephony in the administration panel. Go to tab "IP provider connections" and click "Add":    

Select "RingCentral" as provider:

1 — connection title (name for the number): can be selected at random and will be displayed in the incoming/outbound call window;

2 — phone number in the international format, for example, 1**********;

3 — allow to receive incoming calls from this phone number in the CRM;

4 — login;

5 — password;

6 — authorisation ID;

7 — SIP domain;

8 — proxy.

Take the details to be entered on stage 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 from your account on RingCentral.

Step 1. Log in as administrator to your account on RingCentral.

Step 2. Click "Phone System", then click "Phones & Devices":


Step 3. Browse the existing phone numbers you wish to adjust in "User Phones". You can only select the phone numbers, which are not associated with any device. Mouse over the phone numbers to see the pop-up "Setup and Provision" next to the ones not associated with any device. Click "Setup and Provision":

Step 4. Go to tab "Other Phones", then click "Select".

Step 5. Here you will find connection parameters:

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