Contents / CRM

Object profile: advanced settings

Watermarks, last activity, quantity

Go to Main menu — Settings — CRM — Objects. Then select the type of objects and go to tab "General settings":

Here you can:

  • add a watermark to an object photo;
  • periodically list "old" objects (if an object remains excluded from any activity for a long time, it is automatically listed as "old") as new by detecting objects that have long stayed idle and editing their profiles:

  • set the rule whether to create a deal each time a new object is added;
  • count objects quantity (for multiple products).

Associating contacts (property owners) to property profiles (for real estate version)

Go to Main menu — Settings — CRM — Properties, select the type of property, and specify the type of contact to be associated ("Owner") to it in tab "General settings":

Now, every time you add a new property to the CRM database, you will see an additional tab in its profile, where you can specify the owner. The owner will be added as a new contact profile of type "Owner" associated to this property profile:

The tab containing information about property owner will also be displayed every time you open a property profile for browsing:

You may also be interested in: Filters and search tools

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APRO CRM is a SaaS cloud solution and is hosted by our servers. The CRM is flexible and can adjust to your business needs. You will be getting all the necessary assistance from your personal adviser while using the system