Contents / SMS

Integration with Twilio SMS campaigns

In order to integrate APRO CRM with Twilio, register at their website and verify your phone number. Then go to Products — Programmable SMS and click "Continue" to create a new project:

Once your project is created, go to Programmable SMS — Learn & Build — Build and click "Get a number"

In the pop-up window that appears, click "Choose this Number", then "Done" to get a test phone number and $1 account balance for sending messages: 

Now get back to Programmable SMS — Settings — Geo Permissions and select the countries you wish to send messages to:

Go to tab "Console Dashboard" and copy the values for "Account Sid" and "Account Token":

In APRO CRM, go to Main menu — Settings — Integrations — SMS — SMS providers (upper tab). Add a new provider by clicking "Add" and select "Twilio" in the list of providers. After that, fill in the "Account Sid" and "Account Token" you copied from your account with Twilio:

In CRM tab "Recipients" click "Add" and select "Twilio" in the list of providers. Fill the sender phone number you got on Twilio in field "Sender name":

Attention! During the trial period on Twilio, it is important to use only the phone number specified in your account on Twilio as sender name.

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APRO CRM is a SaaS cloud solution and is hosted by our servers. The CRM is flexible and can adjust to your business needs. You will be getting all the necessary assistance from your personal adviser while using the system