Contents / Telephony

Rules of outbound calls distribution

You can create rules for outbound calls distribution among providers.

For instance, local city calls can be made through one provider, while intercity calls can be handled by a different provider.

Add a new outbound phone number in Main menu — Settings — Integrations — Telephony — Outbound calls settings (upper tab) and select "Outbound call by rules" in field "Connection":

In the list of outbound phone numbers, click the icon shown below, and add a rule:

Adjust the following parameters of the rule:

— rule mask for the dialed phone number:

Prior to processing, a phone number is cleared from all the gaps and other characters different from digits; after that, rules are applied.
* — any number
R — 7 or 8
N — any digit from 0 to 9
[ ] — possible values, separated by a comma 
Examples: R937NNNNNNN; R[937,927]NNNNNNN; R495*;

2 — the provider to handle the calls from phone numbers matching the rule mask;

3 — outbound phone number as logged in calls history;

4 — you can add multiple rules.

Add the users to call by the rules you created:

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