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Resources in use

All files published in various sections of the CRM reside in file storage. If the volume of these files exceeds the one provided by your usage rate, the excessive volume will be subject to additional payment.

The same rule is applied in case of excessive size of database, that depends on the volume of text and numeric data stored in the CRM elements, such as tasks, emails, calls, Intranet posts, documents, and business processes.

To check out the the volume of cloud storage you are using and the size of your database, go to Main menu — Settings — Resources in use.

In addition, this page displays other features and functions activated for your account, some of which could be subject to additional payment, calculated considering the number of active CRM elements and integrated email accounts, the number of enabled business processes, and the period of logging.

Follow the link shown in the screenshot below to find the itemised list of CRM elements occupying the file storage and the database.

1 — Volume of files attached to all active (that is, NOT deleted or archived) CRM elements.

2 — Volume of files that are currently attached to CRM elements.

3 — Volume of files that are currently unattached from CRM elements.

4 — Volume of files attached to all active (that is, NOT deleted or archived) CRM elements.

5 — Volume of files attached to deleted/archived CRM elements.

For example, a CRM element had two attached files: А and В. At some point, you unattached file B from the profile of this CRM element. The file, however, was not be physically removed. It was saved in the system to ensure the history of  modifications for this CRM element is displayed correctly. In the consolidated table of resources (see the screenshot below), the volume of file A will be displayed in column 2, and the volume of file B will be displayed in column 3. You can only remove file B by marking the CRM element it used to be attached to for permanent deletion.

You can also check out how the total volume of your database is dispersed among different types of CRM elements:

You can resort to permanent deletion, in order to remove files and CRM elements from the system.

You must also see:

  • Permanent deletion of data

  • You may also be interested in: Email Services Integration Instructions

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    APRO CRM is a SaaS cloud solution and is hosted by our servers. The CRM is flexible and can adjust to your business needs. You will be getting all the necessary assistance from your personal adviser while using the system