Contents / Industry versions / For real estate agencies

Uploads to advertising platforms

You can easily upload your listings from APRO CRM to nearly any advertising platform or real estate portal.

Any advertising platform that offers integration is compatible with APRO CRM and can publish the listings uploaded from it automatically. All you need to do is just tick the relevant advertising platforms in property profile — our tech experts will ensure your listings are getting published properly and timely. When a listing is removed from the advertising platform, it is also deleted from the real estate agency website.

How to integrate a new advertising platform:

  • contact our support team with the list of advertising platforms you wish to integrate;

  • our experts will ask the real estate portal about the technical aspects of integration and will inform you about the expected deadlines (it normally takes from 7 to 14 business days to get a new advertising platform integrated);

  • sometimes clients contact us having integration already adjusted — in these cases, adjusting uploads does not take more than 1-2 days;

  • you can significantly speed up the integration procedure by requesting the XML file format or the API parameters from the advertising platform on your own and sending them to us — this will reduce the waiting time down to 4-5 business days.

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APRO CRM is a SaaS cloud solution and is hosted by our servers. The CRM is flexible and can adjust to your business needs. You will be getting all the necessary assistance from your personal adviser while using the system