APRO CRM offers a remarkably diverse variety of business processes for company workflow automation. There is no need for any special skills or knowledge — you can simply use ready-made templates from our library. Besides, any process can be customized to meet your company requirements: diverse system functions allow to implement even the most intricate workflow algorithms. In order to realize business processes of exceptional complexity, you can resort to software developers' assistance — either within your company, or from our partners. In any case, you can always count on our tech support experts providing the best of advice and assistance on business algorithms implementation and adaptation in your company — for free.

It is worth mentioning that you do not need to possess any special skills in order to employ and adjust basic business process algorithms. All you need to do is apply the appropriate template from our library — and get your business process ready in 2 minutes.

Q & A

Which CRM modules can be integrated with business processes?

Nearly all of them: contacts, deals, activities, objects, users, messages, tasks, calls, emails, SMS, invoices, documents, online forms, website statistics, external modules via API and retargeting advertising channels. Business processes allow performing all sorts of actions with the objects and data from these modules: creating, editing, filtering, etc.


I’m not a pro, and this is the first time I am going to launch business processes. How do I automate my company workflow?

APRO CRM has a vast library of business processes, where all basic and frequently used algorithms can be found. Just activate the process you need, fill the obligatory fields with relevant parameters, — and get your business process ready in 2 minutes. Do not hesitate to contact our tech support experts, who will always answer any question that might arise — absolutely free of charge.


Can I send automated email and SMS campaigns to various target groups of clients depending on their budget?

Naturally. This is one of the basic algorithms in the huge diversity of business processes APRO CRM has to offer. The answer to this question is best illustrated by the following live example. All clients of a travel agency that purchased a tour last summer are involved in a monthly campaign starting at the beginning of each summer: regular clients are getting emails with offers responding to their interests and budget, while travel agents supervising VIP clients (with budget exceeding $ 100,000) are assigned a special task by the system: they should call each VIP client about a new offer.

APRO CRM is a SaaS cloud solution and is hosted by our servers. The CRM is flexible and can adjust to your business needs. You will be getting all the necessary assistance from your personal adviser while using the system