Modern technologies have made shopping ever so easy. You can go online shopping at any time — even sipping a hot cappuccino in your favorite cafe. 
Do you still remember what it used to be like? Let's say you wanted to buy a hiking tent. You could either comb all the local sports and travel equipment shops, or call friends/information office.

All you need to do now is surf the internet to find the shop you need, check out the product availability on website, and order delivery — sometimes from another city/country. 


If you have a business — you have a website. But are you sure that all of its contents are easily accessible from a smartphone screen — how about reading articles, uploading images, searching products or filling a registration form? 

We strongly recommend you to go there, see it, check it, assess it and try to make an order: if you managed to keep from going psycho and using obscene language — consider it a 99% guarantee of a perfect website optimization. 

What assessment criteria to apply? — A good mobile website should not only look fine on your smartphone screen: it must also work, meaning — no lags when loading, adaptive interface, handy navigation and easily accessible menu.


The processing capacity of smartphones is considerably more modest than that of computers, which results in slower loading of web pages. To check out whether your website is loading faster than that of your competitors, use Google Page Speed Insights WebPageTest, Pingdom Tools, etc. Find out what's slowing down the process — and get rid of it. The faster your website pages are loading — the faster your clients are browsing them.

Attention: highly recommended! Run a regular assessment of your website correspondence to the mobile search engine requirements. Find and correct all the mistakes. Improve usability in order to achieve fast and easy website navigation with instant authorization and no complicated lists and filters.

USE Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP

AMP stands for heavily contracted versions of regular web pages. You keep all the basic content and get rid of complementary elements, such as widgets, advertising, forums, etc. This will ensure your pages are loading fast, even when the data rate is low. In addition, AMP is one of Google priorities, that keep leading positions in terms of matching search queries. 


Mistakes here are mostly represented by two extremes: either the mobile version represents a full replica of the regular website, or certain parts of the content are simply cut out. Neither is good. 

You are highly recommended to: 
  • minimize the content size so that it could fit the display window. It is worthwhile to mention the difference among the screen sizes of various smartphones. Vertical scrolling is more popular than horizontal one. Give priority to simple, easy-to-read fonts with no excessive frills and mind the fonts size. 
  • Make the crucial elements look bigger to avoid turning user touch control to agony. 
  • Not all the smartphones support computer plugins, such as Flash. Keep it in mind. 
  • Adapt the content instead of changing it. Do not limit your mobile clients in the volume of information. optimize your content: use concise headlines, short and terse paragraphs, employ navigation over the page, offer users to email the page in case they have no time to finish reading it. 

simplify the design

Make it sleek and concise: no pop-ups, no widgets, no fuzziness — just clear and easy to use. Keep track of design changes and usability, take care of timely corrections and updates. 

a few words about sms campaigns

A sound mobile marketing strategy is hard to imagine without SMS campaigns. They don't have to be only about advertising — just contribute a little more to good customer experience. For example, banks can send SMS messages about current balance, transactions and charges, etc. SMS is an ideal way to inform clients about upcoming sales, bonuses, good deals and current offers. Providing phones are usually within reach and text messages are accompanied by sound, SMS have most chances to get opened and read, as compared to emails that are more difficult to access, as a rule. SMS campaigns take considerably less time than large marketing campaigns: they reach the target audience much faster and have a personal touch. 

Attention: highly recommended! Personalize your messages (call client by name and mention client's status). Add useful info: promos, sales, notifications about order status, delivery time and place. Never send SMS messages on public holidays or before 10.00 am / after 20.00 pm. To save time and effort, use external automated SMS campaign services or these of your CRM.

nota bene

  1. Most of your clients have smartphones and they DO use them to purchase products and services. The easier and more user-friendly your mobile version is, the more convenient it is for your clients to browse it. 
  2. Adapt the content instead of cutting it out. Do not deprive your clients of useful information.
  3. Use AMP to load pages faster. Optimize your mobile version to increase the traffic and improve your ranging in search results. 
  4. Do not overindulge in direct advertising, when launching SMS campaigns. 

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