Contents / Advanced options

User rating

You can create user ratings based on specific parameters, such as CRM statistics (the number of contacts/objects/activities/deals added), reports, or customized metrics.

CRM administrators can create several ratings and set viewing access permissions for each.

Ratings are displayed on the ratings page (see the icon below) and are also available on the right sidebar of the Intranet page:

Setting rating parameters is permitted to CRM administrators only in Main menu — Settings — User rating, or by clicking "Ratings manager" on the ratings page:

Add a new rating:

Adjust the following parameters:

1 — rating name;

2, 3 — list to select the evaluated users from (department/branch/group/custom selection);

4 — list of users/departments/branches/groups to be granted viewing access to rating;

5, 6 — rating criteria: the number of contacts/objects/activities/deals added or customized metrics (CRM administrator's selection); you can also create ratings based on CRM reports, which allows you to apply any criteria (for example, compile a report on deals closed by a certain user and then link a rating to it); 

7 — evaluation period;

8 — periodicity of updating the results;

9 — leader token to be displayed next to the userpic all the time they occupy the leading positions.

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APRO CRM is a SaaS cloud solution and is hosted by our servers. The CRM is flexible and can adjust to your business needs. You will be getting all the necessary assistance from your personal adviser while using the system